
With the combined expertise and knowledge of geologists, reservoir, facility and drilling
engineers, Innargi has the skill and capacity to make complex geothermal projects come to life. Learn more details about our projects below.

Kiel, Germany

15 March 2023, Innargi and Stadtwerke Kiel signed an agreement about researching the possibility for geothermal district heating in Kiel.
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Poznan, Poland

1 February 2023, Innargi, Veolia Energia Polska, and Veolia Energia Poznań signed an agreement about researching the potential for developing geothermal energy for district heating in Poznan.
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Budapest, Hungary

Registered office, Budapest.
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Aarhus, Denmark

Innargi has entered an agreement with Kredsløb (The district heating utility company for Aarhus Municipality) to develop and operate EU’s largest geothermal heating plant. The first exploration wells will be drilled 2023, and in 2025 the plant can start supplying the first geothermal district heating. The plant is expected to be completed in 2030 and operate for 30 years.
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Metropolitan Copenhagen, Denmark

25 October 2022, Innargi and the district heating companies VEKS, CTR, and HOFOR have agreed to look at the options for the development of geothermal energy in the metropolitan Copenhagen area.
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Horsens, Denmark

District heating company Fjernvarme Horsens A/S and Innargi A/S have entered into an agreement to investigate the possibilities of establishing geothermal energy for district heating. Fjernvarme Horsens requires heat for its expanding customer base, while Innargi anticipates that the subsurface beneath Horsens presents favorable opportunities for geothermal energy development.
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Hørsholm, Denmark

On the 29th of Feburary 2024 Norfors has entered into a framework agreement (Letter of Intent) with the Innargi to investigate the potential of geothermal energy as a new renewable and reliable source of district heating.
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Berlin, Germany

Berliner Energie und Wärme AG and Innargi Sign MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to Assess Geothermal Potential for Berlin's District Heating System.
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Łódź, Poland

Veolia Energia Polska and Veolia Energia Łódź have entered into a strategic partnership with Innargi and the City of Łódź to help develop geothermal energy in Łódź, October 2024.
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Greater Copenhagen, Denmark

Vestforbrænding and Innargi signed a contract to explore and implement geothermal heating solutions to Vestforbrænding’s district heating system.
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How we do things differently

In order to industrialise geothermal district heating, new methods and ideas had to be brought to the table. Along with decades of subsurface experience within the oil industry, we also have an innovative business model that allows for scalability. Read more about the way we do geothermal projects here.

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How we do things differently

Seismic campaigns

In order to bring geothermal heating to you, we first need to know where to drill. Read along and learn about our seismic mapping of the subsurface. See if we will be driving through your area.

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Seismic campaigns