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Kluczowy krok dla wykorzystania energii geotermalnej w systemie ciepłowniczym Poznania
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Vestforbrænding i Innargi wprowadzą energię geotermalną do regionu stołecznego Kopenhagi
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Greener district heating for North Zealand: Underground now being mapped to determine potential for geothermal energy
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Veolia i Innargi łączą siły w projekcie geotermalnym dla Łodzi
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The construction of the first geothermal heating plant in Aarhus has begun.
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Innargi współpracuje z Vattenfall Wärme Berlin w celu zbadania potencjału geotermalnego Berlina.
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Firma Innargi oraz Norfors podjęły decyzję o zbadaniu potencjału wykorzystania energii geotermalnej w Hørsholm, w Danii
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Projekt instalacji geotermalnej w Aarhus wchodzi w drugą fazę próbną
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Milestone for the decarbonization of heating: The European Parliament calls for a strategy to unlock geothermal energy’s full potential
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Zielony kamień milowy dla Danii: Wiercenie geotermalne rozpoczęte w Aarhus
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Stadtwerke Flensburg and Innargi A/S to explore potential for geothermal energy
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Sønderborg Varme and Innargi in agreement about geothermal heating
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Stadtwerke Kiel and Innargi investigate the potential for geothermal district heating
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Veolia and Innargi will explore the potential for geothermal energy in Poznań
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Biggest gas-heated city in Denmark enters into agreement about geothermal district heating
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Geothermal energy is going to make district heating in Skanderborg and Hørning even greener
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New framework agreement lays the foundation for geothermal energy in metropolitan Copenhagen