Geothermal heating for district heating systems
Geothermal heating is an extremely climate-friendly heat source for district heating. When paired with renewable power from solar or wind, geothermal heating is not just carbon neutral, it is essentially emission free. Moreover, geothermal heating is always there, and the underground reservoir is its own storage facility, making it ideal as a baseload in district heating.
Once a plant is up-and-running there is no pollution, no noise, no smell and no waste, which makes Geothermal heating a good neighbour in the city. Stable and predictable prices put the district heating company in control of their heating costs by removing the uncertainty of fluctuating commodity prices.
We supply hot water to your local district heating company
We have developed a business model in which we take all the responsibility and risks related to the subsurface, from the initial test drilling to supplying the energy from the warm water to the district heating company. That way, both the district heating companies and their customers can be certain that there will be no unanticipated added costs even if things do not go as planned.

Our business model
We take the initial risk
We take 100% of the risk and cost of the initial exploration phase. We have the funding to take the risk, see things through, and invest in long-term partnerships, and we require no payment until the heat flows.
Competitive pricing
Before Innargi, all geothermal projects were one-offs. By industrializing geothermal heating, we are both driving down costs and leveraging the learning effect.
30 years of dependable heat
We operate the facility for 30 years and guarantee heat availability and performance when it is up-and-running. Because geothermal is baseload, it is always there when you need it.
We engage locally
Understanding local plans and regulations and securing local permissions is our responsibility. We invest in securing the support of local communities – both those who govern them and those who live in them.
How does it work?
Click here to learn more about geothermal energy, our heating plants, how they operate, and where we drill.

Timeline of a project
Project development
In the first phase, we develop a custom-made solution for the district heating company in question, apply for an underground license and finalise the heat supply contracts.
In the second phase, we obtain permissions from the authorities and drill exploration wells with the purpose of exploring underground, evaluate the results, and tender out the work we need to subcontract.
In the third phase, we design and construct the geothermal plants and their wells.
Operation and maintenance
The fourth phase covers the technical operation throughout 30 years. This means that we monitor and maintain wells and pumps, protect the reservoirs and ensure delivery of full heat potential.

Frequently asked questions
Are you gradually cooling down the subsurface?
No. The water heats up again over time. In the immediate area around the geothermal wells, a temporary cooling occurs, as the cold water is pumped back into the reservoir again. Accordingly, these geothermal wells typically have a life span of 30 years, after which new wells can be drilled a few kilometres away from the original location.
Will district heating companies have to pay more if geothermal heating ends up being more expensive than you anticipated?
No. Our business model is structured in a way so that we take all the subsurface risk during the exploration, construction and operational phases. The district heating companies will not receive an extra bill from us if costs turn out to be higher than our initial assessment.
Will geothermal energy mean that our district heating will become more expensive?
Our business model is built around the premise that we must be competitive when comparing ourselves to the other options available to district heating companies.
How will the location of the plants be determined?
The location of the geothermal plants will be determined in cooperation with the relevant municipalities and the district heating company. We take several factors into account, such as the environment, nature, cultural considerations, drinking water sources, existing urban plans as well as the existing district heating infrastructure.
Will the construction of the plants be to the annoyance of the local residents?
It takes about a year to establish a geothermal plant. During the drilling phase, which lasts 2-3 months, the neighbours to the construction site may experience nuisances such as noise, light at night and view to a drilling rig. We will seek to minimise any such nuisances by using, as far as possible, automated drilling rigs, that are less noisy, of less height and require less light compared to a standard rig. Where possible, the rigs will be powered by electricity. For the remaining nine months of the construction phase, the nuisance will consist primarily of increased and heavy traffic in the immediate area. We will seek to minimize traffic to the building site during the evening and night hours, and trucks and forklifts will use a non-noisy alternative to rear alarms during the night.
Will the geothermal plants be to the annoyance of the local residents?
The plant takes up 500-600 m2, corresponding to the penalty box on a football field. If the plant is in an urban area, it can be partially buried below-ground and can – in consultation with the local municipality – be integrated in the surroundings, for example as a skateboard park or a recreational area. No noise is expected from the plant, nor will there be daily traffic on and off.
What does a geothermal plant look like?
The plants are integrated into their surroundings and can be built either as an above-ground hall or partially buried below-ground. For example, they could be built in connection with a parking lot or by a field or recreational area. The placement and integration of the plant(s) that will be built in a specific area can be determined in close dialogue and consultation with the municipality, architects and local residents.
Does it pose any contamination risks to our drinking water?
No. A geothermal well drilling is carried out in the same way as a drinking water well drilling, which protects the groundwater from contamination by using cemented steel pipes. These pipes isolate and protect the groundwater reservoirs from seepage from above as well as the geothermal water that is circulated through a closed loop. The plants are equipped with sensors and alarm systems that ensure that any leaks or errors are immediately discovered, making sure the plants are shut down before any damage can occur.
Will fracking (hydraulic fracturing) be required, as in shale gas drilling?
No, we will not be using hydraulic fracturing.
Can wind turbines be used to generate district heating?
Wind turbines produce electricity, and the green electricity generated by wind turbines can be used by geothermal plants to generate district heating. In fact, this is an ideal combination.